Industrial Clusters and Inter-Firm Networks
Charlie Karlsson
Not Available
Smart Growth and Climate Change
Matthias Ruth
Spatial Dynamics, Networks and Modelling
Aura Reggiani
Entrepreneurship, Investment and Spatial Dynamics
Peter Nijkamp
New Directions in Economic Geography
Bernard Fingleton
Incentives, Regulations and Plans
GerritJan Knaap
Industrial Agglomeration and New Technologies
Masatsugo Tsuji
Knowledge Externalities, Innovation Clusters and Regional Development
Jordi Suriñach
The Management and Measurement of Infrastructure
Entrepreneurship, Industrial Location and Economic Growth
Jopep M ArauzoCarod
Creative Cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Economic Development
Philip Cooke
Firm Mobility and Organizational Networks
Joris Knoben
The Economics of Regional Clusters
Uwe Blien
Migration and Human Capital
Jacques Poot
Regional Knowledge Economies
Philip Cooke and 3 more
Universities, Knowledge Transfer and Regional Development
Attila Varga
Innovation, Agglomeration and Regional Competition
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Leadership and Institutions in Regional Endogenous Development
Robert Stimson and 2 more
Endogenous Regional Development
Robert Stimson
Spatial Scenarios in a Global Perspective
Roberto Camagni
Media Clusters
Creative Knowledge Cities
Marina van Geenhuizen
The Regional Economics of Knowledge and Talent
Migration Impact Assessment
Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance
The Geography of the Internet
Emmanouil Tranos
Social Capital and Rural Development in the Knowledge Society
Hans Westlund
Regional Competitiveness and Smart Specialization in Europe
Mark Thissen and 3 more
Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship
Knowledge, Innovation and Space
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy
The Rise of the City
Karima Kourtit
Graduate Migration and Regional Development
Jonathan Corcoran
Innovation in Developing and Transition Countries
Alexandra Tsvetkova
Transportation, Knowledge and Space in Urban and Regional Economics
Kakuya Matsushima
Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics
Tüzin Baycan
Geography, Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Urban Gråsjö
Cities and Sustainable Technology Transitions
Economic Crisis and the Resilience of Regions
Gillian Bristow
Regions and Innovation Policies in Europe
Manuel GonzálezLópez
Diversity, Innovation and Clusters
Iréne Bernhard
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Meet Innovation Systems
The Globalization of Regional Clusters
Dirk Fornahl
Unlocking Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Regional Economic Systems after COVID-19
Fred Olayele